The burning question

A push to promote wood as a source of renewable, low-carbon energy has set off a debate among scientists about the implications for the climate and forest ecosystems. Much of the discussion has revolved around forests in the southeastern United States, where a wood pellet industry is booming as the region supplies wood for European power plants, where the fuel has been deemed "carbon neutral." Other parts of the world are also starting to tap into wood for electricity. Some scientists say that sustainable logging for energy recycles carbon as new forests grow back. But others caution this process could take decades, whereas carbon emissions from burning the wood are happening now.   Read more
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Fifth Assessment Report (AR5)

The decision to prepare a Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) was taken by the members of the IPCC at its 28th Session (09-10 April 2008, Budapest, Hungary). Following the election of the new IPCC Bureau at the 29th Session of the IPCC (31 August - 04 September 2008, Geneva, Switzerland) and discussions about future IPCC activities at the 30th Session of the IPCC (21-23 April 2009, Antalya, Turkey), a Scoping Meeting was held (13-17 July 2009, Venice, Italy) to develop the scope and outline of the AR5. The resulting outlines for the three Working Group contributions to the AR5 were approved by the 31st Session of the IPCC in Bali (26-29 October 2009).
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